Shop Our Favorites!

Welcome to our online resource for our favorite toxin free & healthy living products!

We will be adding more Product photos & links as we can!



Our favorite supplements Available at a discount

Purchase professional-grade supplements through our Fullscript network! Receive a 10% discount when ordering through this private link!

River Refresh Hand SANITIZEr &Disinfectant cleaner

River Refresh is a local Fort Worth company that makes cleaning products inspired by nature. Using Biomimicry Technology, this company makes a solution to “Harness the power of your immune system to fight bacteria…and other pathogens.”

  • Hospital Grade Disinfectant

  • 100% Organic

  • EPA Certified

  • 99.999% Viral pathogen elimination

  • 99.999% Bacterial pathogen elimination

We have both the 3oz Hand Cleanse & 24oz disinfectant bottles available in our office for purchase! Please call the office for availability.

Clearly Filtered - The Ultimate Water Filtration

Filter out over 220 toxic chemicals and metals! Guaranteed to Remove More Contaminants Than the Top 5 Leading Brands Combined! Clean water is essential for optimal health! Shop our favorite water bottles, refrigerator filters, shower head filters, etc!

Branch Basics - Toxin-Free Household Cleaning

Help create a safe environment so your family can thrive! Branch Basics’ cleaning products will help eliminate harmful toxins in your home, while keeping it sparkling clean!