Zone Technique
Balance your body & heal
There are six BRAIN CENTERS that send Nerve Impulses or Life Force to the six main systems of the body.
This Nerve Energy travels from the Brain, down the spinal cord, out the nerves to directly or indirectly control the function of every organ, tissue, and cell in the human body.
The Zone Technique
The Zone Technique is a healing system designed to specifically analyze the six systems that control the body, to find and fix the imbalances therein. Your body is like an electrical machine and if there are systems out of balance you cannot achieve optimal health.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Physical traumas, chemical toxicity, & stress can be the major causes to your body’s imbalance. Our job is to find where your body is out of balance, manifesting symptoms, or malfunctioning and causing you to not able to handle normal stressors as effectively as you should. Once we find out what system and where your body is out of balance, we will be able to adjust specific segments in your spinal column to stimulate the spinal cord which will normalize the Zone in question and bring it back to balance.
A balanced body will do what it needs to to heal!
Zone 1 - Glandular
Balancing the Glandular System supports:
Strong immune function, great concentration & memory, appetite regulation
Perfect Sleep & relaxation, more overall energy
Regulate hormonal systems
Great Thyroid, Pineal, & Pituitary gland health
Zone 2 - Eliminative
Balancing the Eliminative System supports:
Clear sinuses, nasal passages, & bronchial tubes
Powerful immune function
Strong lung, kidney, & bladder function
Regulates colon & bowel movements
Eliminate bloating & bodily toxins
Zone 3 - Nervous System
Balancing the Nervous System supports:
Normal sense function: eyes, ears, nose, etc.
Balanced hormonal system, healing more quickly
Excellent balance, increased energy, great sleep
Improve Mood, remaining calm & relaxed
Great nerve control to all organs
Zone 4 - Digestive
Balancing the Digestive System supports:
Great appetite, decreased food sensitivities
Normal sense of taste / salivary gland health
Support healthy liver, intestine, & gallbladder function
Normalizing digestion & assimilation of all foods
Regulate blood sugar & boost energy
Zone 5 - Muscular
Balancing the Muscular System supports:
Normal feeling in all limbs, strong muscles
Perfect range of motion & strength in all movement
Increase flexibility, strong ligaments & joints
Expedite recovery & improve suppleness
Proper posture, balance & eliminate dizziness
Zone 6 - Circulatory
Balancing the Circulatory System supports:
Normal heart & lymphatic health
Normalize blood pressure & rhythm
Healthy blood vessels & circulation to all organs
Proper distribution of nutrients to all organs
Effective elimination of toxins & waste matter
Schedule Today with R Family Chiropractic of Fort Worth, TX
*** Requested times may not be available, however we will courtesy reschedule your visit and reach out to verify your new visit time.***
We emphasize that:
We do not diagnose or treat conditions, diseases, or symptoms. Our focus is exclusively on detecting and correcting vertebral subluxations to restore proper spinal alignment and nervous system function.
The Zone Technique and related visual aids, including the posters and images represented above are intended solely as educational tools. They illustrate a healthy, balanced body and the role of the nervous system in maintaining optimal function. These representations do not imply the diagnosis, treatment, or cure of any organic or systemic conditions.
Our care is centered on improving the neuromusculoskeletal system by addressing spinal subluxations and the subluxation complex. Any improvement in overall health or function is the natural result of restoring proper spinal alignment and supporting the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
For any medical diagnosis or treatment of conditions, we encourage patients to consult with a licensed medical professional.